When looking for financing options, consumers must learn about their credit score. A high credit score increases the chances of you being approved for a loan and other big purchases, such as cars and a home. You should make sure that, when applying for such loans, you’re still able to pay it back in full and on time.
A credit score is simply another way of saying your credit rating. Your credit score is an indicator of your financial standing.
Your credit score is based on information collected by credit bureaus and financial institutions, such as banks, credit unions, and other lenders who look at public records to determine your ability to repay a debt. These institutions that use your credit score information want to know one thing:
“If I give this person credit or a loan. Will they be able to pay me back?”
A good credit score shows that you have a solid understanding of your personal finances because you know how to manage them effectively. That’s why understanding your credit score is a sign of good financial literacy.
It's easy to find out what your personal credit score is. Knowing and understanding your credit score is very helpful before applying for any loan or working to better manage your own finances. It lets you know what you can afford, how healthy your credit is and which accounts you need to manage.
Your credit score is calculated using information in your credit report, including your payment history and overall amount of debt you have. It takes time for a good score to develop. Most people think that just because they are in a high earning tax bracket they automatically have a good credit score. This is not always the case.
With time, and proper management of your accounts, debts and credit cards. Your credit score will be exactly where you need it to be.
The type or amount of loan you qualify for depends on your credit score. Different credit bureaus use different ratios for calculating scores, which can fall between 300-900 with higher numbers indicating a better chance of having the best credit history that is more positive than negative. A credit score of 670+ is a great start to a credit score, which allows people to pay back their loans without complications.
It’s imperative to understand how your credit score is calculated. This is to better understand what the numbers mean and where they come from when you go through your credit report. Having a good credit score can help you much later down the road when trying to buy a house or car.
There is no set number of points by which your credit score can improve within any given month. There is also no set range of points that each action will affect. It all depends on some specifics when it comes to how low your credit score has become just recently. If the major negatives on your credit score are related to how much you utilise your available credit and vice versa if you reduce the amount, then your score can greatly improve in a matter of a few months.
If you find yourself with poor payment history and multiple collections, then it will take several months of staying on top of things such as paying bills and closing accounts until your higher credit habits begin showing for the better.
All lenders use different methods of calculating whether you qualify for a loan.It's important to keep your credit score in a respectable range because if you have a low credit score, you're at risk of being denied for new loans and other forms of credit. A qualifying credit score for a loan may vary depending on which bank you use.
The minimum credit score for a home loan in South Africa is somewhere in the high 600s. This is not including your income and other financial factors. A score of 600+ should be enough to help you get a legitimate chance of approval for your loan. This may vary according to which bank you approach.
It's impossible to guess at a specific figure, but if your debt-to-income ratio is reasonably low and it is supported by a stable source of income like a job or business ownership/partnership, then you have a good chance of receiving home loan approval. Having a 750+ score will significantly boost your chances of successful loan approval.
Improving your credit score is a slow process. It may take a few months, to a year or more, to see a significant change in your score. It is not impossible, and there are some things that you can do to speed up the process. One of the most important things is to always stay on top of your credit card balances, payments and statements. If you need assistance or advice regarding your credit score, Credit Health is here to help.
In order to help you on your way to Credit Health, we've teamed up with Transaction Capital Recoveries and MBD Inc. By selecting continue, you give consent that we may check for any arrear accounts on your behalf.