It is always a good idea to check your credit score on a regular basis. Mistakes do happen and there is no way to guarantee 100% accuracy.
Reading is pretty straightforward — what you see is what you get. Most people know what credit they applied for so make sure there aren't any unfamiliar companies on your credit report.
Although it might seem pretty typical every now and then to spot an inquiry from a company that you're not familiar with, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm unless multiple inquiries are involved in addition to your usual credit history.
Make sure to double check all of your personal information, such as birthday and address details.
Credit reporting agencies then show you live credit report inquiries made by companies or creditors seeking to establish your credit history.
This is a demonstration of the methods used for this report's analysis.
It’s important that you check your credit report regularly to detect any problems that might be occurring.
Chat to Credit Health for more guidance on how to read your credit report.
In order to help you on your way to Credit Health, we've teamed up with Transaction Capital Recoveries and MBD Inc. By selecting continue, you give consent that we may check for any arrear accounts on your behalf.