Late payments are terrible for your credit score. There are, however, ways to make sure you optimise your credit score performance.
It’s not really the late payment itself that damages your credit report. It’s more about how late you were with your payment that is recorded.
If your credit score is showing that you have late payment entries, this is extremely important to rectify.
By communicating with the lender/credit provider about these issues, if necessary, you can always also work towards getting the problematic late payment entries removed from your credit history profile.
If you believe that the lender has failed to make their best effort, you may consider informing the lender in writing of your dispute and what it is that they may do to resolve your matters.
You may include information about your:
If you received a late payment notice on your credit report, one way to make the payment timely is to call the lender and explain that you were unaware that it was due (or that the amount was greater than what you could pay) and see if he or she will remove it.
Another good idea is to tell them the amount you can currently afford which should be much less than whatever figure is triggered in their system when they pull up your account.
The late payment entries should be removed automatically after the relevant number of days. You can check this by looking at the dates on the payment entries screen and seeing if they have turned into dates that are in the past. If the dates haven't changed, please contact us and we will check this for you.
In order to help you on your way to Credit Health, we've teamed up with Transaction Capital Recoveries and MBD Inc. By selecting continue, you give consent that we may check for any arrear accounts on your behalf.