Credit reports are essential tools that everyone needs to use to create a more secure financial future. They are also valuable to employers especially if they are looking to hire new employees or whether you are trying to secure financing for a home, car, or personal emergencies.
Credit reports contains information about all your current and past accounts and your repayment history on those accounts.
To be able to apply for credit, whether it’s for a business loan or a personal loan, you need to know your credit score and ensure that information in your credit report is error free. The credit bureaus in South Africa: Experian/Compuscan, TransUnion, XDS, CPB and Vericred are the 5 major credit bureaus in South Africa.
Credit providers such as banks, clothing store accounts, and vehicle financers all send information about your accounts and payment history to the major credit bureaus.
You may find it frustrating that companies are allowed to collect sensitive financial information without your permission. Yet you can take comfort in the fact that even though these companies can gather your information and sell it to others, there are some rules in place to protect you.
Now that you know what information credit bureaus collect and report on, get your credit report. Visit Credit Health to securely purchase your credit report online.
In order to help you on your way to Credit Health, we've teamed up with Transaction Capital Recoveries and MBD Inc. By selecting continue, you give consent that we may check for any arrear accounts on your behalf.
To be able to apply for credit, whether it’s for a business loan or a personal loan, you need to know your credit score and ensure that the information in your credit report is error free