If you are truly drowning in debt, there are alternatives to debt counseling that will help your financial situation.
If you are drowning in debt, a debt counsellor can speak with your creditors about more agreeable terms.
If you are struggling to make ends meet after making some poor purchasing decisions, getting a new more affordable agreement with your creditor will be more helpful than if they were to take more drastic measures like garnishing wages or freezing your accounts.
As your debt counselor will work closely with you throughout the process, this also builds accountability between the both of you.
These alternative forms of “debt consolidation” are designed to help financially risky people manage their personal finances by restructuring their debt according to a legally approved plan.
But, don't stop there! Research all the possibilities so you can find the best route for success because sometimes debts can be consolidated with other debts or certain individuals, but not both at the same time.
If you find that the amounts listed as debt exceed those of your monthly income, you might be over-indebted. If you’re like most of us, you may find it incredibly challenging to juggle all of your recurring living expenses – and it might be even more difficult to stay up to date with your bills. It’s not uncommon for people to miss their payments and run into financial trouble as a result.
Debt counseling helps you develop a plan to pay back all of your debts, consolidate them into one payment, or deal with other financial problems that are causing stress in your life. For more information on the debt counseling process, contact Credit Health.
In order to help you on your way to Credit Health, we've teamed up with Transaction Capital Recoveries and MBD Inc. By selecting continue, you give consent that we may check for any arrear accounts on your behalf.