It all starts with an atom. Often described as the start of something bigger; we’d like to think of Metropolitan GetUpAtom in the same way. It is a basic building block for effective lifelong protection for yourself and your family. This brand new one-stop funeral solution protects you, your family and extended family, whilst offering so much more.
Simply subscribe to Metropolitan GetUpAtom once and get instant access to Cover benefits, Life Hacks, rebates, cashback and so much more. Once a Metropolitan GetUpAtom client, always a client, without ever having to apply again. Not only can you adapt your cover as your needs and personal circumstances change, but you also don’t lose your cover during tough times. To keep your plan active, we reduce your
cover if you can’t pay and increase your cover when you are able to pay again.
The best part? You pay for what you need, and you only pay one premium for all the benefits that you have with us.